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Mobile Applications - who needs a desk?

Mobile technology helps businesses develop a competitive advantage, improve sales productivity and boost customer satisfaction.

There are many parts of most business organisations which are not bound to their desks. Sales forces, service engineers, distribution services – they are all likely to spend more time out of the office than in it. The thing they all have in common is a need for instant access to electronic data, and to communicate by voice or data with their base.

  • Provide your sales team with mobile apps that allow them to close deals on-site
  • Meet customer requests with on-demand access to contracts, inventory and more, with real-time access to your office systems.
  • Allow authorised partners and customers immediate access to place and confirm orders, check availability, prices, order status and more - from their smartphone or tablet.

We can offer a range of mobile computing solutions which can your business a competitive edge. Allow the mobile members of your staff to function as if they were in the office, with access to all the same documents and data, secure and easy to use.

Brief Case Study

Longrange Logo

One of our customers wanted to move away from a paper based receipt system in their Goods In department, but without tying staff down to desks. We implemented Longrange, from Lansa, allowing the customer to deploy Android tablets into the warehouse. Data could be entered and saved to their IBMi server directly, rather than admin having to key the information in from the paper receipts, improving both turnaround times and accuracy of information entered.

Longrange is available on Google, Apple, and Microsoft stores. While our customer chose to go down the route that best suited them, there are many others you could choose to suit your business needs. Perhaps you need a screen for your sales staff on the go and they already have company iPhones? Or your team use Microsoft Surface devices and want to utilise more touch screen functionality? Read the full case study here

Business Integration

At MNI Services, one of our key capabilities is the integration of business management software solutions with your existing applications. The aim is to make all data easily accessible from a single point, so that every function can operate at optimal efficiency, with no re-entering of data, and none of the potential human error that goes with it.

If you think of your existing applications as islands of information, our middleware expertise lies in building electronic bridges between them, seamlessly integrating data from each source into a single system - and giving your business a competitive edge of efficiency.